Once a year, our agency celebrates mt. cleverest day — one day where the partners aren’t allowed into the office and we put client work on hold to do whatever we want. But cleverest day comes with just one rule: whatever we choose to work on must move the company forward.
Similar to 3M’s 15 percent program, cleverest day is meant for testing new programs, hatching new ideas and fostering creativity and collaboration. So we worked together (and some of us flew solo) to accomplish a few different things in the time we were given.
We created a readily accessible wiki and a digital version of our welcome kit. We updated our estimator tool for easier cost structures. We gave our desks and offices some upgrades. We experimented with virtual reality and even looked into some new clever swag.
In an effort to experiment with video and Adobe After Effects, our creative team spent the day shooting and editing footage to give a little sneak peek into who we are:
While we accomplished most of our work in our one-day window, we’re looking into how we can adopt those processes and ideas in order to keep innovating. Keep collaborating. And keep moving forward.
Do you have experience with a free creative day at your organization? What challenges do you face and how do you utilize the time you’re given? We’d love to chat. Connect with us on Twitter @clevermethod!